‘Mingle At Work’ Organized By JCI Dhaka West
JCI Dhaka West arranged fantastic get together called “Mingle at work”. Thank you everyone for coming specially our LP Mahmudur Vai and NVP IPLP Nabil Vai. Thanks to our VP S M Belal Uddin CEO, Texort for hosting such an amazing event.
Digital Career Bootcamp Launching Program
Digital Business Network is a community of Digital Business and Digital career enthusiastic people who get to develop their professional and interpersonal skills through various training sessions and build a strong network among themselves. With a vision of spreading the knowledge of digital careers globally, Digital Business Network is going to launch Digital Career Bootcamp. […]
জেসিআই ঢাকা ওয়েস্ট প্রজেক্ট “আমার বই” চতুর্থ বুক কর্নারটি সম্পন্ন
আন্তর্জাতিক স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সংগঠন জুনিয়র চেম্বার ইন্টারন্যাশনাল (জেসিআই) ঢাকা ওয়েস্ট ও প্রত্যুষের জানতে হলে পড়তে হবে এর উদ্যোগে ঢাকা ও টাঙ্গাইলে সফলভাবে তিনটি বুক কর্ণার উদ্বোধনের পরে এবার উদ্ধোধন হলো নতুন আরেকটি বুক কর্ণার। “আমার বই” শিরোনামের প্রকল্পটির মূল উদ্দেশ্য ছিলো শিক্ষার্থীদের মাঝে বই পড়ার অভ্যাসকে জাগ্রত করা এবং বই পড়ার গুরুত্বকে সকলের সামনে তুলে ধরা। […]
White Cap Certificate Distribution & Project Closing
Junior Chamber International JCI Dhaka West and BASIS Institute of Technology and Management BITM have been jointly contributed a project to impart ICT education to underprivileged Madrasa students in the society. 30 madrasah students have been given certificates in the first phase of this program called ‘Project White Cap’. On this occasion, a colorful program […]
JCI Dhaka West Discover Training
JCI Discover Training 2022
Project “Fight for Equality” Inauguration JCI Dhaka West
JCI Dhaka West wanted to make an impact in the society through a project named “Fight for Equality” dedicated for the third gender community of Bangladesh, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) no 5 of United Nations. According to the Department of Social Services report, the third gender population in Bangladesh is about 11 thousand […]
Project Green Cox’s Bazar by JCI Bangladesh
Project Green Cox’s Bazar by JCI Bangladesh Execution day memories. Aligning with the SDG agenda, Project Green Cox’s Bazar began on the initiative of five local organizations of JCI Bangladesh, JCI Dhaka West, Ace, United, JCI Chittagong & JCI Cox’s Bazar to maintain the harmony of the environment. In this project, JCI Bangladesh started afforestation […]